Checklist Limited Liability Company Formation

The Limited Liability Company is the most popular company for investment in Poland. It is established as follows:

1. Preparation of the articles of association
  • the name of the company,
  • the seat of the company,
  • the objects of the company on the basics of the polish PKD-Klasifikation
  • the term of the company,
  • the companies financial year
  • the amount of the share capital
  • the number and nominal value of the shares subscribed for by individual shareholders,
  • the company governing bodies (management board, supervision, general meeting),
  • transfer of share,
  • additional contributions,
  • increase of share capital without amendment of the articles of association.
2. Certification of the articles of association at the notary
3. Conclusion of a lease contract for business premises of the company
4. Opening of a bank account
5. Registration of the company in the National Court Register
6. Application of the REGON number at the Statistical Office
7. Application of the tax identification numer NIP and registration of the company as a VAT payer
8. Registration of the company at the social insurance institute ZUS
9. Publication of the company’s registration in the Court and Commercial Journal („Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy“)

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