Counselling in Polish event law

Art, culture, conferences and sports – areas of private and professional life, which would be inconceivable without the corresponding events. Just the organization and execution of sports and music events gives to the participants hereof the possibility to enjoy the practiced sporting disciplines and presented music, in particular in the company of like-minded people.

The gathering of a large number of people always poses certain risks that should be identified already in advance of an event. So, it is about to ensure that in case of major events the relevant permits and security assessments of competent authorities are obtained in due time. However even in case of events of smaller sizes, the safety of participants should always be of paramount importance. In addition, it is important that the organizer considers the conclusion of appropriate insurances, but also about the fees that are to be paid in Poland to collecting societies for public playing of music pieces.

Events and their legal general conditions

Even the organization of small events requires a series of contracts to ensure the scheduled running of the event. If a bigger event will take place, the legal provisions of the Polish law that are to be observed, are even more extensive.

Acquiring the necessary official permits

The safety of people participating in an event on a wider scale is top priority. Therefore, a suitable lead time shall be ensured to apply to the competent authority in Poland for proper permits for the organization of a large event. The need for further approval depends on the nature of the event and the event program.

Definition of a large event in the Polish event law

Law Firm in Warsaw and Polish Event Law

The law on the safety of mass events provides that a corresponding request is filled by the organizer not later than 30 days prior to the scheduled event date. What is to be understood under the term big event is defined by law depending on the type of event. And so an artistic entertainment event is to be considered as major event, when it will take place i.e. in a stadium and the organizer will grant access to not less than 1,000 people. If the same event will be organized in a sports hall or a comparable event hall, is the planned entry of at least 500 participants sufficient to consider the case of a major event.

For the planned organization of a sport event the following applies: shall the planned venue be a stadium, a case of major event is to be considered when the organizer will grant access to not less than 1,000 spectators, regardless of whether it will be a football game or another sport discipline will be the focus hereof. If this event is planned to be however in a sports hall, the scheduled number of at least 300 participants will suffice.

Overview of documents to be enclosed to the application

When applying for a permit in Poland to organize a major event, following documents shall in particular be enclosed:

  • Statement of the local police, the local fire brigade, as well as of the local rescue service on the risk situation in connection with the planned event, as well as the number of necessary forces for the safeguarding of the event,
  • Information about medical points of contact, measures of fire safety to be implemented (escape plans, fire hydrants, etc.) and the coordination of regulatory and information services during the event,
  • Information about the location of sales points, where the serving of alcoholic beverages is being planned.

Acquiring of proper insurances

For every organizer, the realization of an event on a larger scale is also a risk that should not be underestimated. It may quickly come to situations in which he might be facing claims from event participants due to injuries or destroyed or stolen personal belongings. This applies of course also to the artists and musicians performing during the event, or the competitors participating in a sporting event. This liability issue should be considered by each organizer in advance of an event to make proper provisions with the conclusion of appropriate event insurance.

Cooperation with collecting societies

When public playing of music pieces is being planned, each organizer should already before the event contact the relevant company for the exercise of copyright and related rights. Hereto, the Association ZAiKS with its headquarter in Warsaw must be considered which is having their contact centers also outside of Warsaw in the regional area.

Our counselling services in the area of Polish event law

Our team of German lawyers, as well as German-speaking Polish lawyers will help you in the preparation and realization of events, especially with the following consultancy services:

  • Counselling and application for the necessary regulatory approvals for the organization of a large event in Poland,
  • Counselling and application for the necessary statements to the competent local police authorities, the local fire brigade and local rescue operations,
  • Counselling and support in negotiations with artists, musicians, performers and athletes in advance of the events, as well as at the conclusion of appropriate agreements,
  • Counselling in negotiations related with the sponsorship agreement,
  • Establishment of sponsors and marketing contracts in connection with the planned events,
  • Counselling on contacting the relevant collecting societies in Poland,
  • Consulting to conclusion of event insurances in connection with the planned event,
  • Counselling and support in negotiations for the conclusion of contracts with the owners or managers of venues, with suppliers, with providers of security services, as well as with catering,
  • Advice on competition issues and problems with the Polish copyright law.

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