Share capital |
- PLN 5,000,00 (five thousend Zloty)
Business name of the company |
- may be chosen freely,
- the business name shall include the additional words „limited liability company“ in the Polish language,
Shareholder |
- one or more persons (natural or legal persons),
- a limited liability company may not be formed solely by another single-shareholder LLC,
Nominal value of share |
Company governing bodies |
- management board, supervisory board, audit committee, general meeting,
Management board |
- one or more members,
- in contracts between the LLC and a member of management board, the company shall be represented by the supervisory board or a representative appointed by a shareholder resolution,
Supervisory board |
- minimum three members, appointed by a resolution of the shareholders,
- in companies whose share capital exceeds PLN 500,000,00 (five hundred thousend Zloty) and where there are more than 25 shareholders,
Audit committee |
- minimum three members, appointed by a resolution of the shareholders,
- in companies whose share capital exceeds PLN 500,000,00 (five hundred thousend Zloty) and where there are more than 25 shareholders,
Transfer of a share |
- transferable, but may be restricted by provisions contained in the company deed, e. g. transfer of a share may depend on a consent of the company,
Liability of the shareholders |
- shareholders are not personally liable for company’s debts.