Types of companies in Poland

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Share capital
  • PLN 5,000,00 (five thousend Zloty)
Business name of the company
  • may be chosen freely,
  • the business name shall include the additional words „limited liability company“ in the Polish language,
  • one or more persons (natural or legal persons),
  • a limited liability company may not be formed solely by another single-shareholder LLC,
Nominal value of share
  • PLN 50,00 (fifty Zloty),
Company governing bodies
  • management board, supervisory board, audit committee, general meeting,
Management board
  • one or more members,
  • in contracts between the LLC and a member of management board, the company shall be represented by the supervisory board or a representative appointed by a shareholder resolution,
Supervisory board
  • minimum three members, appointed by a resolution of the shareholders,
  • in companies whose share capital exceeds PLN 500,000,00 (five hundred thousend Zloty) and where there are more than 25 shareholders,
Audit committee
  • minimum three members, appointed by a resolution of the shareholders,
  • in companies whose share capital exceeds PLN 500,000,00 (five hundred thousend Zloty) and where there are more than 25 shareholders,
 Transfer of a share
  • transferable, but may be restricted by provisions contained in the company deed, e. g. transfer of a share may depend on a consent of the company,
Liability of the shareholders
  • shareholders are not personally liable for company’s debts.

Joint-Stock Company

Share capital
  • PLN 100,000,00 (one hundred thousend Zloty)
Business name of the company
  • may be chosen freely,
  • the business name shall include the additional words „joint-stock company“ in the Polish language,
  • one or more persons (natural or legal persons),
  • a joint-stock company may not be formed solely by a single-shareholder LLC,
Nominal value of share
  • PLN 0,01 (1 grosz),
Company governing bodies
  • management board, supervisory board, general meeting,
Management board
  • one or more members,
  • in contracts between the company and a member of management board, the company shall be represented by the supervisory board or a representative appointed by a shareholder resolution,
Supervisory board
  • minimum three members, appointed by a resolution of the shareholders; in public companies at least five members,
 Transfer of a share
  • transferable, but the transfer of registered shares may be restricted by provisions contained in the company deed (statutes), e. g. transfer of a registered share may depend on a consent of the company,
Liability of the shareholders
  • shareholders are not personally liable for company’s debts.

Registered Partnership

Share capital
  • there is no share capital required,
Business name of the company
  • the business name shall include the surnames or business names of all partners, or the surname or the business name of one or several partners and the additional words „registered partnership“ in the Polish language,
  • two or more persons (natural or legal persons),
Legal personality
  • The registered partnership may acquire rights in its own name and incur liabilities, sue and be sued.
Partners contribution
  • property, rights and services,
  • in case of doubt, the contributions of all partners shall be deemed to be equal.
  • each partner has the right to represent the partnership.
Affairs of the partnership
  • each partner has the right and the obligation to manage the affairs of the partnership.
Transfer of partner’s rights and obligations
  • the rights and obligations of a partner are transferable only where the articles of the association so provide,
Liability of partners
  • each partner is be liable for the obligations of the partnership without limitation with all his assets jointly and severally with the remaining partners and the partnership.

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