Rights and obligations of the shareholder

I. Rights of the shareholder of a llc in Poland

1. Profits to be divided
  • each shareholder is entitled to participate in the profit specified in the annual financial report and allocated by a shareholders resolution for divison among the shareholders,
  • unless the articles of association of the limited liability company provide otherwise, the profit allocated for the shareholders shall be divided in proportion to the shares held in the company’s share capital,
  • a shareholder, who holds shares on the date of the resolution on division of profits, is entitled to the profit for a respective financial year,
  • the articles of association of a limited liability company may authorise the shareholder’s meeting to define the day on which the list with entitled to dividends shareholders is drawn up,
  • the dividend pay out day is defined by a shareholder’s resolution or by a resolution of the management board,
2. Priority in subscribing for new shares
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3. Increase of capital out of company funds
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4. Repayment of additional contributions
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5. Remuneration of recurrent non-pecuniary performances
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6. Right to the disposition of shares
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7. Right to remuneration in case of redemption of shares
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8. Right of participate and voting right
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9. Right to request a shareholder’s meeting
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10. Right to control
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11. Right to request the annulment of a shareholder’s resolution
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II. Obligations of the shareholder of a llc in Poland

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